Thursday, April 24, 2014

LaRee joins in the fun

9/21/2013  LaRee joins in the fun.   I'm sure she enjoyed her birthday weekend.  Sorry JoAnne, maybe we will be in town for your next birthday, or you can join us!  

1st stop - Madison County, Lakeside Country Club.   This is the only golf course we found in Madison County and since it is a private club we didn't know if we were going to be able to play.   Then we found out that as long as you are from out of town, most of the small country courses will let you on and at member rates.       After golf we went to eat in town where Bridges of Madison County was filmed and even sat on the same stool Clint Eastwood sat on.   Whoot Whoot!

Union County - Pine Valley Golf & Bowl, Creston

 Not a favorite course but one more checked off our list.    As we rounded to holes 8 & 9 we realized that it was balloon days and one was being inflated right across the street from us.    It got a little windy so the ones that did get up, went down rather quickly.  

Have no clue what the cage was for but my ball managed to find it.


up up and away!

 Can't wait for the road trip coming up!

It takes hundreds of good golf shots to gain confidence, but only one bad one to lose it.      - Jack Nicklaus 

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